The Gift - Danielle Steel
書名:The Gift
The story happened during 1950s, in a small mid-western town near Chicago. Another part of story took place on a tree- lined street in the heartland of America.
The Gift is a very powerful love story. It doesn’t, however, only talk about love between a boy and a girl. The story highlighted love in the family, between a mother and her children, between husband and wife, among friends and even between strangers. The author successfully created a simple story that will influence readers to believe in the magic of love and to just keep on believing.
The conflict in the story was resolved when the two dissimilar families that came from different places, which just like a parallel line that will never have an intersect point, met together and their lives became connected somehow. In the begging, the Whittaker family is a perfect and full of happiness family. After Annie, the youngest child, died from an accident on the day of Christmas, everything changes a hundred eighty degree. The family broken down and every one walk their own way of life. There’s no laughter in the house, no celebrating of any holiday, and not even sit together in one table for a meal. Another family, a teenage girl- Mari Beth Robertson’s life was going to be shattered because she got pregnant out of marriage.
The Whittakers lost a precious gift of life while Mari Beth lost her life when she got pregnant. Mari Beth left her baby to the Whittakers as a gift of love because it was the wisest decision she can have. They helped to give Mari Beth her life back by assisting her in schoolwork and building her self- confidence by simply believing in her.
The courage of a person is really important for choosing the way you want to go in life. Whatever choice the person takes, she or him self need to have the responsibility to handle the things that would happen after. If I was in Mari Beth’s situation, I don’t think I’ll do the same thing- to face the truth. There’s possibility I might suicide or make myself become a depraved person or perhaps I will like Mari Beth face the problem and solved it. Everything can be change so fast just like a snap of the fingers. No one knows what event or adventure will come next minute of life, when it’s there…it’s there! Any problem in life there’s a solution to solve, and it’s just depended on whether you want to solve or not.
I have learned many things from this special story. Some lessons are hurtful enough to make a reader cry while others make the heart full with happiness. I learned more about love and hatred, about living and dying, and about the meaning of getting gifts and giving gifts.
The story helped me realize some truths like life becomes beautiful when you keep love in your heart or that dying is not the end of life. I also appreciate how the main characters showed good attitudes like humility, patience, honesty, positive thinking, and unselfishness. It influences readers to emulate them.
The most touching part in the story for me is a quote goes like this, “It’s like some people just come through our lives to bring us something, a gift, a blessing, a lesson we need to learn, and that’s why they’re here. After giving the gift then they’re free to move on and you’ll have that gift forever.” This is a very inspiring quote and it teaches us about accepting some circumstances and Letting it go.